Introduction to Computer Programming
Due the 5th week of the semester (see the course calendar) 15 minutes before the end of your laboratory section.
- Read Chapter 4 in An Introduction to Programming Using Java.
- Answer the following questions. Follow the general
homework directions.
- Write your program using eclipse. Use the Methods template for the written portion of the program. Turn in all files associated with the solution of the programming problems. Use the following Methods comments. Your programs will be graded using the Methods rubric.
- (79% max) H3.6 (H = Homework, 3 = Chapter 3, and .1 = first problem)
- (89% max) 79% problems and H3.7
- (100% max) 89% problems and H4.1. Test your program for a number of different inputs. Find a set of inputs that breaks your program. Propose a solution, but don't implement it.
- Complete Homework 4 Effort survey on D2L.
- Write your program using eclipse. Use the Methods template for the written portion of the program. Turn in all files associated with the solution of the programming problems. Use the following Methods comments. Your programs will be graded using the Methods rubric.